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The Pros and Cons of using AI to write CVs


There are mixed views amongst hiring managers around the use of AI when presenting a CV for a job. On one hand, using software to enhance a CV may be considered cheating and not a true reflection of an individual’s capabilities, but on the other hand, it shows an understanding and willingness to use technology for efficiency gains and to enhance quality.

It raises the question - should a CV be relied upon to progress an individual to interview, or should other methods of selection be employed instead or in addition?

Spotting the use of AI in a CV can be challenging, as AI tools have become increasingly sophisticated in generating human-like text.

However, for those who have concerns over authenticity, there are several indicators that can help identify a CV that may have been generated, or heavily assisted by, AI.


CV Writing AI

Indicators of AI

Consistency and Formatting

  • Overly Consistent Style: AI-generated text often maintains a highly consistent tone, style, and vocabulary throughout the document. Human-written CVs might exhibit slight variations in style.
  • Perfect Formatting: AI tools tend to produce perfectly formatted documents without any inconsistencies in font, spacing, or alignment.

Language and Tone

  • Unnatural Language: AI-generated text may use phrases or constructs that seem slightly off, or less natural than a human writer. This can include unusual word choices, overly formal or informal language, or repetitive phrases.
  • Generic Phrases: AI-generated CVs might rely heavily on generic phrases and buzzwords rather than providing specific, detailed descriptions of experiences and accomplishments.

Detail and Specificity

  • Lack of Personal Anecdotes: AI-generated CVs might lack personal anecdotes, specific project details, or unique accomplishments that are typically found in human-written CVs.
  • Vague Descriptions: Descriptions of roles and responsibilities may be overly broad or vague, without the nuanced detail that a person might provide about their experiences.

Lack of Personalisation

  • Uniformity Across CVs: If multiple CVs from different candidates appear overly similar in structure, content, or phrasing, it could indicate the use of AI-generated templates.


  • Repetitive Content: AI might generate repetitive content, particularly in the descriptions of different jobs or roles. This can manifest as similar sentences or phrases being used multiple times across the CV.

Technical Knowledge

  • Generic Technical Descriptions: AI might provide technical descriptions that are too generic or not specific enough for the role or industry. A human writer with genuine experience is likely to include more specific technical details and jargon.
  • Misuse of Technical Terms: AI may misuse or incorrectly apply certain technical terms or industry-specific jargon.

Inconsistencies and Errors

  • Inconsistencies: Although AI can maintain consistency, it can also introduce subtle inconsistencies, such as conflicting dates or mismatched job titles and descriptions.
  • Errors: Despite being generally accurate, AI can make factual errors or include information that doesn’t align with the candidate’s actual experience. Cross-checking the information provided in the CV can help identify these discrepancies.

Unrealistic Qualifications or Achievements

  • Too Good to Be True: AI might generate overly impressive qualifications or achievements that seem unrealistic for the candidate's level of experience.

Metadata and Document Properties

  • Document Metadata: Checking the document properties for metadata might reveal information about the software used to create the document, which can sometimes indicate the use of AI tools.

Verification Steps

Although it is now hard to determine an individuals capability with English and grammar or to spot any lack of attention to detail, there are a number of methods to verify the detail within a CV before committing to an interview.

Using a recruitment agency

  • Having a third party verify the content of a CV through one to one conversations, asking detailed and specific questions about the candidate’s experiences and achievements can help verify the authenticity of the information provided in the CV.

Verifying data from additional sources

  • The majority of professionals have their career history held online, for example on LinkedIn or social media platform.
  • Using background check services from specialist providers.

Reference Checks

  • Contacting references and previous employers to verify a candidate’s work history and accomplishments can reveal discrepancies if the CV was artificially enhanced by AI. In principle this is a good idea but in practice obtaining references prior to interview can be difficult, as a candidate is reluctant to share personal contacts without a commitment on the part of the hiring organisation. It can also delay the interview process and you may ultimately lose potential candidates as a result.

Plagiarism Detection Tools

  • Using plagiarism detection tools can help identify if sections of the CV were copied from other sources or generated from common templates.

Positives and negatives in the use of AI in CV creation

The use of AI in CV writing can be viewed from multiple perspectives, and whether it should be condoned or celebrated depends on various factors.

Positives of AI in CV Writing

Efficiency and Accessibility

  • Time-Saving: AI tools can significantly reduce the time and effort required to draft a CV, especially for individuals who struggle with writing or are not familiar with CV formatting.
  • Accessibility: AI can level the playing field by helping those who might not have access to professional CV writing services, providing everyone with the opportunity to present themselves professionally.

Focus on Content

  • Highlighting Key Skills: AI can assist in identifying and emphasising relevant skills and experiences, helping candidates present their qualifications more effectively.
  • Optimised for ATS: AI can optimise CVs for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), increasing the likelihood of passing the initial automated screening processes used by many companies.

Enhanced Presentation

  • AI can ensure that CVs are well-formatted and adhere to industry standards, increasing the chances of making a positive impression on potential employers.
  • AI tools can help eliminate grammatical errors and improve the overall quality of writing, which is especially beneficial for non-native speakers and allowing for more diversity in the hiring process where the use of excellent English is not specifically a requirement of the role.

Arguments for Condoning AI in CV Writing

Authenticity and Personal Touch

  • Loss of Personalisation: AI-generated CVs may lack the personal touch and unique voice that a manually written CV can convey, potentially making the candidate appear less genuine.
  • Over-Reliance: Relying too heavily on AI might prevent candidates from fully understanding and articulating their own experiences and strengths.

Potential for Misrepresentation

  • Inaccuracies: AI might generate content that inaccurately represents the candidate’s skills or experiences, leading to potential issues if discrepancies are discovered during interviews or reference checks.
  • Ethical Concerns: There is an ethical consideration around presenting a CV as one’s own work when it has been heavily generated or edited by AI.

Skill Development

  • Writing Skills: Crafting a CV is an important skill that involves critical thinking and self-reflection. Over-reliance on AI tools might hinder the development of these skills.
  • Job Preparation: The process of writing a CV can help candidates prepare for job interviews by forcing them to think critically about their experiences and how they align with the job they are applying for.

AI is here to stay


AI will become increasingly integrated into everything we do, and learning to use it effectively will become an important aspect of many professional roles. Used to enhance and develop personal work can provide the perfect balance of efficiency and personalised content. So how should candidates ensure that new technology is adopted to increase productivity and efficiency and not to replace critical thinking and effort.

AI as a Tool, Not a Crutch

Encourage the use of AI as a supplementary tool to enhance and refine a CV, rather than as a primary means of creating it. Candidates should review and personalise AI-generated content to ensure authenticity.


Being transparent about the use of AI in CV creation can help maintain trust and ethical standards. For instance, candidates can mention that they used AI tools for grammar checks.


While the use of AI in CV writing can be both condoned and celebrated, depending on the context, it’s crucial to maintain a balance that leverages the benefits of AI while ensuring the authenticity and personal touch of the candidate’s own input.

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